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We were asked to create a web and mobile app using which people can search for vehicle rentals and book the vehicles & construction equipment for rent.
Following client specifications and using our prior experience, we created an app that lets the users register for the app via their phones, choose a language (English or Arabic, as preferred), and search for the desired vehicle and construction equipment, and effortlessly book their rental request in very easy steps. We used the following technologies for this project:
Vehicle Rental
Android, iOS, Backend
We follow agile web and mobile app development process to ensure clients’ requirements and expectations are met or exceeded. The process entails:
Since the app was to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms, our designers and developers worked on the app to make it compatible across different devices and OS. The testing and QA team closely analyzed and tested the app on various devices with different configurations to ensure it performs smoothly when launched.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. Fathi Asfour, CEO eazyranto
Eazyrento is an online platform that aims to create a Fair Priced, Transparent and User-Friendly Vehicles & Construction Equipment Renting Ecosystem.
Swift, Kotlin
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
Python, Django, DjangoRest, JavaScript, Celery, Celerybeat
Amazon Web Services(AWS)